Inspiration and insight to improve your leadership and
navigate team dynamics.
How building an empathetic culture pulls teams through adversity. Feb 09, 2022


Values and culture are essential aspects of highly functional teams.  How the leader communicates and chooses to respond or react is usually more impactful than what is actually said. 

For example, one of the values that I lead my teams with is ‘Family First.’ ...

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Pity Versus Empathy and Its Affect in the Workplace Jan 08, 2022

In this volatile and constantly changing world, we are called upon as leaders to navigate. We may not know what is coming next, we can build a resilient culture and demonstrate the ideals/skills that are needed to move through our challenges. 

Here in Colorado, our most recent challenge is...

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Friend Versus Friendly Dec 30, 2021

As a business owner, I find myself spending significant amounts of time with my team.  So much so, that it sometimes appears to be more time than I spend with my immediate family.  It is only natural then, that there is a comradery that is built through familiarity.  It is a...

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Firing – Do’s and Don’ts Dec 10, 2021

This is one of the tough roads that leaders walk and there is really nothing easy about this process.  The longer an employee is with you, the deeper the connection and the more difficult it is to sever the working relationship.  

It’s been a tough choice to make, and you...

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What Sailing Taught Me About Life Dec 08, 2021

Over the past twenty five years I have piloted various vessels ranging from small sailing dinghies to fifty foot twin engine power boats and a few things have revealed themselves to me as universal.  The sea is the ultimate teacher for me, bringing forth knowledge not attainable in other...

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How to Handle Seasonal Shifts Nov 15, 2021

Every business has a busy season and a slow season. 

At times, it can seem like feast or famine with workflow.  The attempt to control these shifts is tantamount to standing on the shore and willing the waves to stop and instead become a flat sea.  It is all too easy to attempt to...

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Processes and Working ON Your Business Oct 15, 2021

“But I don’t have time for that!”

Tell me if this sounds familiar- you are so busy with your business that you are not able to make the money you need/want or scale it.  You have all this knowledge in your head that if only you could transfer it to someone else you could do...

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